Blood Bank Boot Camp Notes 2017

Karl Jandrey

Sean Owens

Julie Burges

  • Establishment of Protocols The foundation of every good blood banking program is a set of well written protocols. These documents will standardize the way in which blood products are processed and can assist in training. Copy of SOP

  • Evidence-Based Donor Screening Donor programs are dependent upon volunteers that are healthy and properly screened.  Having pre-established screening procedures, in an effort to determine donors that are free of disease and able to tolerate the collection procedure, is imperative. This review focuses on selection criteria intended to determine the best donors suited for your program and screening criteria to minimize risks. Canine, FelinePregnancy-Induced Alloantibodies in Dogs, Canine and Feline Blood Donor Screening for Blood-Borne


  • Donor/Owner Incentives that Work Blood donation programs are “feel-good” programs for all involved, however, incentives are a nice way to entice new donors to the programs and reward current donors and owners.  Knowing what incentives work best for recruitment and retention without creating potential conflicts of interest are important for each program.  You will learn how to determine what incentives are best suited for you!

  • Low Stress Donation Having low stress donations can make the entire process easier for everyone involved. Choosing donors with good dispositions is ideal – even if sedation will be used.  Techniques for how to handle dogs during the donation and pre-medicated cats can ensure their stress levels are kept to a minimum.  There are techniques on how to react and screen for donors.

  • Easy Processing Knowing what your clinic/laboratory/hospital is capable of processing and how each product is made. 

  • Blood Bank Smack Down Case Management Challenge Evidence and ideas from the Case-Based Discussion labs will be presented during the Blood Bank Challenge for global critique and refinement by the entire group of participants.

Sasha Beoshanz

  • Collection & Processing Wet Lab Will demonstrate proper way to restrain and collect blood from a canine donor. Following the donation, the blood will be processed in the blood bank, in order to demonstrate products produced from a unit of whole blood.

Dyne Hansing

  • Collection & Processing Wet Lab Will demonstrate proper way to restrain and collect blood from a canine donor. Following the donation, the blood will be processed in the blood bank, in order to demonstrate products produced from a unit of whole blood.

Christina Steckley

  • Type & Crossmatch Wet Lab A wet lab showing the Alvedia and RapidVet-H feline and canine typing methods, and test tube crossmatching for both felines and canines.